Exam Preparation Tips : How to Study for Exams and Reduce Stress

Preparing for exams? Give yourself the best chance with these top ten study tips, and try not to let the stress get to you! Remember: you've got this. Give yourself enough time to study, and don't be afraid to ask your teacher if there are any specific topics they think will be on the exam that you should focus on more closely. (You can even schedule a meeting with them!) Reading over your notes right before bed and right after waking up are both proven ways to help you remember things better, so do it!

Exam Preparation Tips

Don't Leave It Until The Last Minute - Exam Preparation Tips

Give yourself enough time to study. Once you've decided on your revision schedule, follow it. Aim to spend at least four hours revising every day (no more than eight hours in one day). Split that time up into a morning and afternoon slot if you prefer, or make it all one session.

It is important to always keep some free time too – study hard but don't forget to relax! It can be tempting sometimes but try not to leave everything until last minute – as tempting as that might seem. The closer you are getting towards your exam date, start ramping up your studying by increasing what you do each day until you feel like you know everything there is to know!

If you have any questions about how to prepare for exams then check out our study tips page. You'll find lots of useful advice and tips there. Study smart – not hard! That's our philosophy when it comes to preparing for exams. Studying smart means finding ways to study less while still doing well in your classes. It doesn't mean doing less work or cutting corners though; quite the opposite actually because studying smart means learning how to use your time effectively so that you're able to revise all of your notes before an exam with ease!

Our study tip blogs are full of advice and ideas on how you can get through coursework quickly and easily while still doing well in class so go ahead and check them out now. You'll soon see just how easy studying smart really is!

Ask For Help if You Need It - Exam Preparation Tips

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious about studying—or even life in general—it can be helpful to confide in a trusted friend, professor, or family member. If you have a mentor at school who regularly checks in with you, try scheduling an informal appointment. The same goes for your parents.

They might not be as close to your academic process as they used to be when you were younger, but they still care about you and will want to help if they can.

Remember that people want what’s best for you—and sometimes that means helping steer you away from studying too much or from falling victim to perfectionism. Remember too that stress is common (and temporary), so treat yourself kindly! You’ll get through it. You always do.

Get Enough Sleep - Exam Preparation Tips

All college students know that sleep is a precious commodity. Pulling all-nighters or simply skimping on your nightly shut-eye can be disastrous if you’re trying to concentrate on an exam! Make sure you get 7–8 hours of sleep per night in preparation for any upcoming tests. You’ll have more energy, better focus, and be able to solve problems much faster if you take advantage of your REM cycles.

After all, Einstein said it best: We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. So rest up—you'll need it! 

Never pull an all-nighter before a big test! Not only will it damage your health, but pulling one right before taking an exam is practically useless as it takes time for new information to move from short term memory into long term memory. According to research conducted by The National Sleep Foundation, your brain needs about 90 minutes after learning something new in order to fully integrate that knowledge into its long term storage system.

Since memories are consolidated during deep sleep phases, you should never study when overly tired. If you must cram late at night (which I don't recommend), make sure you're focused and energized first!

Set Aside Some Me Time - Exam Preparation Tips

It can be easy to lose sight of yourself during exam time—especially when you're doing everything in your power to get an A+. While it's important that you dedicate time to studying, make sure you don't forget about yourself. Allowing yourself some personal time—whether it's a brief meditation session or even just a few minutes of reading or listening to music—can help you stay focused on your goal while also keeping your stress levels down. You'll be able to study with greater efficiency, too!

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Make sure that doesn't apply when preparing for exams. If you have one hour set aside for studying, try setting aside twenty minutes to do something fun as well. That way, if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by study material or stressed out from all-nighters, at least you'll have a chance to take a break before getting back into studying mode.

This is particularly useful if you tend to procrastinate; instead of putting off studying until later in the day (or night), giving yourself permission to relax now might encourage you to tackle those long-overdue assignments sooner rather than later. The best part? Even if they do end up taking longer than expected, once they're done and dusted there will be nothing left but more free time—so go ahead and take another break!

Read Over Your Material Multiple Times - Exam Prepare Tips

Trying to memorize facts? Don't! Instead, read over your material multiple times. This technique is based on work by Dr. Barbara Oakley, associate professor of engineering at Oakland University in Rochester, Mich., and author of A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even If You Flunked Algebra). Her research shows that students retain information better when they understand it through active reading rather than passive listening or memorization. To do so, read each paragraph (or even each sentence) aloud and try to summarize what you just read in your own words.

It may sound tedious, but it'll help you remember more. You can also ask yourself questions about what you've just read—and then look up any answers you don't know right away. For example, if a passage describes how a new medicine works, ask yourself how it might interact with other medicines you take regularly or why a doctor might prescribe it for certain patients.

Remembering answers to these types of questions will reinforce them in your memory. If a passage doesn't make sense after reading it once, keep going back until things click into place. After all, comprehension is one of the most important skills tested on exams—not memorization!

Use your Resources Wisely - Exam Preparation Tips

You’ve got only a few weeks before exams, so use your time wisely. If you can, find a space where you won’t be disturbed and set yourself a timetable. Many people find it easier to study when they have a routine or structure—find what works best for you! If you want to put in several hours at once, do so, but don’t forget that it’s okay if life gets in the way every now and then—you can always pick up where you left off.

Also make sure you take breaks between study sessions. Your brain needs some time away from your studies so that it can process all of that information properly! And don't forget about exercise; it's proven as an effective method of relieving stress .

Go for a run, lift weights, or hit that yoga mat – whatever floats your boat! But try not to study while exercising...we know how tempting it is though ;) Be careful not to burn out either – even though there’s lots of pressure on you right now, remember that there are other things going on in your life too! Get plenty of sleep each night (that means no cramming!) and try not to stay up until 3 AM finishing assignments – getting sick isn't going to help anyone. Oh yeah...and don't forget about eating well.

Good nutrition is important at any time but especially during exam season because good food will keep you energized and focused throughout those long study sessions!

Have a Revision Schedule - Exam Preparation Tips

It's easy to get lost in revision panic when you're studying, so make sure you have a well-laid-out revision schedule. You don't want to take on too much at once or you'll burn out - it's best to concentrate on one subject at a time, making sure that you leave plenty of room for breaks. Working out how long each topic should take means that you'll know exactly how long your study session will last, meaning less time staring at revision notes wondering where all your time has gone! Most importantly - make sure not to cram! Have some fun in your breaks and try to relax as much as possible.

Your mind can only retain so much information before burning out - if it happens, it's better not just before an exam but days beforehand. Don't forget about eating either - energy levels are important! Make sure you're getting enough food and drink to keep your brain firing on all cylinders. If you feel yourself flagging, a quick snack break might be just what you need to get back into gear. Don't forget about exercise either - studies show that regular exercise helps reduce stress levels, which is great news for those revising hard! A short walk around campus or even doing a few sit ups could help relieve some stress without taking up too much time.

The more relaxed you are going into exams, the more likely it is that everything will go smoothly. Don't forget about sleep either - lack of sleep can impair concentration and memory recall later down the line so make sure you set aside enough time every night to rest properly!

Don't Panic! Stay Calm - Exam Preparation Tips

Staying calm is essential when preparing for exams, particularly if you have a lot of other commitments (work, studying, friends and family) on top of studying. Stay up-to-date with your work so that you're not trying to cram everything in at once—this will only increase your stress levels. Plan some time each day or each week in which you can study without distractions—if a distraction does pop up, try not to let it throw you off track.

Remember: staying calm will help relieve exam stress! If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by your workload, remember to breathe deeply and keep things in perspective. Things may seem bleak now, but they'll get better soon enough! You've got a plan; now stick to it. Don't forget to reward yourself every step of the way with little treats along the way; getting through an exam isn't just about passing—it's about learning from those lessons too!

If all else fails - take some deep breaths - Exam Preparation Tips

Sometimes your brain just can't get going. You know you have a test coming up, but it seems like you've forgotten everything. Take some deep breaths - it might help. Inhale slowly through your nose for about 5 seconds, then exhale through your mouth for about 10 seconds; repeat until you feel more focused. Your body will thank you! Don't cram - study in short bursts: Most people think that if they study all night before an exam, they'll do well on it.

Wrong! Stressing yourself out doesn't make things easier. Studying in short bursts is much better for you in both the short-term and long-term because it helps keep your stress levels down while helping you retain information longer as well. Start studying early - practice makes perfect: It's never too early to start studying!

Reward Yourself When You're Done - Exam Preparation Tips

When you finish studying, give yourself a reward. Maybe it's as simple as sitting on your couch with a cup of tea. Maybe it's getting some ice cream or binge-watching that TV show you've been meaning to watch. Do something that makes you feel good at having completed another part of your exam prep. This small break can help you refocus so that when you start studying again, you'll be ready to go! Here are more tips on reducing stress during exam season. 

Exam Prepare Tips

In general, try not to take breaks right in the middle of studying. While cramming might work in high school—when there’s no pressure to do well—that doesn’t mean it will work now that you’re trying to pass a difficult college course. Give yourself time between studying different subjects so you have time to process what you’ve learned before moving onto new information. And don't forget to eat and sleep while you're studying! Proper nutrition helps keep your brain sharp throughout study sessions.

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