12 Things To Know About Environmental Awareness


12 Things To Know About Environmental Awareness

12 Things To Know About Environmental Awareness-My dear friend, in this article today, I will tell you what to do for the measures of environmental public awareness. If you find our article helpful, then share it with your friends and relatives and support us.

The intention of environmental awareness 

Today environmental pollution is a burning issue worldwide. In order to overcome this problem, it is mandatory for all men and women of every age group to have positive awareness about the environment. The requirement of the hour is to develop high-quality environmental systems for students/youth/adolescents.

Adolescents/adolescents standing at the foothills of youth have the immense emotional impulse and immense energy to work. The environment also has a significant impact on the vigilant environment. Urban adolescents are more environmentally aware, whereas rural adolescents have relatively less environmental awareness. 

The urban population is suffering its adverse effects due to high environmental pollution in the cities. They have to breathe in a smoke-filled environment emanating from the chimneys and automatic vehicles of industrial establishments. There are many other dangers of environmental pollution in cities. Therefore, the people settled in the cities fall prey to environmental calamities.


Man is a social animal, so it is important to understand the social environment. Education should be given to the environment. It is both the art and content of education. Here, we have to read about the structural elements and organs of the environment, that is, to control the environment, maintain ecological balance by controlling the environmental pollution so that the environment is not only functionally useful but also aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable.

Also, Read: 10 Best Practices For ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION

The need for environmental awareness

Nature always tries to maintain a certain proportion of environmental components, but human nature's anti-nature activities are bringing unprecedented changes in its basic structure. As a result, the entire human society is meditating on it, seeing the deteriorating state of the environment.

With the help of science, as much as it is becoming successful in its efforts to conquer human nature, the crisis of environmental pollution is getting deeper and our future is becoming unsafe. 

The 'concern and thinking' about the environment is increasing, but the nature of the environment is deteriorating. Both developed and developing countries are responsible for environmental pollution. 

Both have exploited natural sources more than necessary. Developed countries have made their partial contribution to this natural exploitation for convenience and development while developing countries have fulfilled the need to maintain their existence. 

Developing countries are cutting down their forests, grazing cattle, burning fuel, cultivating rice, and contaminating the environment, on the other hand, toxic gases are leaking from industries in developed countries, petrol, and diesel. 

Vehicles emanating from smoke, refrigerators, and air conditioning devices are leaking CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) and polluting the environment. In the race for the darkness of competition, all parties forget what all these human actions have on human health. 

The present generation is suffering from side effects, but the next generation will not be saved from ill effects and everyone will have joint responsibility towards it.


The biggest reason for polluting the environment is unlimited or uncontrolled growth in population. Land, water, air, forest are all limited. The population is increasing and the natural resources seem to be decreasing compared to its growth. It is very important to adopt a holistic approach to tools.

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There have been several conferences under the auspices of the United Nations to form a strategy to fight the problem of pollution. In 1972 in Stockholm, in 1985 in Vienna, in 1987 in Montreal, and in 1992 in Riodigenro, Brazil. Recently, in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Program, the "World Bank" and the World Resources Institute, 175 scientists from various branches of science millennium session 2000 - 2001, for the UN's 'Pilot Analysis of Global Ecosystem' ie project. 

Has prepared a report for presentation. In this report, deep concern has been expressed on the very deteriorating condition of the land, forest, water resources, and natural wealth, assuming human being responsible for environmental destruction. It has been recommended that destructive processes should be stopped immediately.

About two decades ago, a wave of concern regarding the environment affected India. The need to promote environmental education was felt. On the one hand, a comprehensive program for environmental education at the international level and the need for training of people working in this field is being felt, while at the national level it is proposed to change the methods of the examination system and knowledge assessment of students.

Hence the course of environmental education has been effectively included in the objective of providing students with future citizens of the world. The need to protect the value and prevent its pollution awareness in this regard.

Organizing the days of World Forest Day, World Water Day, World Environment Day, etc. underlines the government's concern for creating a healthy environment. 

True freedom from this concern is possible only when the general public has created full awareness about pollution and its consequences and each of us should play our active responsibility in stopping pollution. One cannot be relied upon only by governmental efforts, because the cause of pollution and the victim is each of us.

Measures of Environmental Public Awareness

At present, the following measures can be emphasized to create public awareness about the environment in the masses.

  • Keeping cleanliness inside and outside your home.

  • Do not allow garbage and garbage around the house. Trash and garbage deposited in the dustbin constructed at a certain place.

  • Establish a smooth sewage disposal system around your house.

  • Promoting environmental side effects of polythene in society along with not using polythene itself. Use of bags made of jute, paper, and cloth in place of polythene.

  • Do not throw peels or manure material in polythene bags on the roadside or in the open, because cows and animals also eat polythene with these peels. This polythene gets trapped in the intestines of animals and also causes the death of animals.

  • Do not throw polythene in the drains. By doing this, the sewer can choke and pollute its adjacent environment.

  • Do not smoke in homes and promote the dangers of smoking in society.

  • To use firewood only when it is absolutely necessary for cooking, and for this, use an advanced stove instead of an ordinary stove.

  • Encouraging the use of solar-powered equipment in cooking.

  • Many toxic gases are released into the atmosphere by burning plastic and polythene waste. Therefore, such waste should not be burnt.

  • The use of hydrocarbon fuels (coal and petroleum) mixes many harmful gases like carbon d-oxide, sulfur-d-oxide, and nitrogen oxide in the atmosphere which can cause serious harm to human health as well as many environmental hazards. Is responsible. Therefore, it is the duty of every citizen of the world to use fuels like coal and petroleum to a minimum.

  • It is the moral responsibility of the common citizen to plant and maintain shady trees in the vacant land around them. Due to the ruthless cutting of trees, human society has to face many environmental problems. Trees being environment friendly provide their invaluable contribution in keeping the environment clean.

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