COVID-19: what is the vaccine and how it works?

As we know, many clinical trials are underway to fight the COVID-19 epidemic. Scientists and researchers are trying to develop worldwide vaccines for the novel corona virus. But do you know what the vaccine is and how it works? Let's study through this article.

what is the vaccine and how it works
what is the vaccine and how it works?

vaccine or vaccination is a type of medicine that enhances the immune system and helps fight disease.

Or we can say that vaccination is one of the most effective ways of preventing illnesses. It helps the body's immune system identify and fight pathogens, including bacteria or viruses, and prevents us from the diseases they can cause. Tell you that measles, polio, tetanus, diphtheria, meningitis, influenza, typhoid etc. are more than 25 deadly diseases vaccines.

Let us first know three words about vaccine or vaccine, vaccination and vaccination.

Vaccine -Stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies to a pathogen. Most vaccines or vaccines are given through injections, but some are given either oral or through the nose.

Vaccination: This is a vaccine in the body to enhance the immune system to a specific disease.

Immunisation: This is a process that can save an individual or animal from illness. This term is also used for vaccination.

Also Read: National Dengue Day - what is dengue fever and how is it.

Before we learn in detail how vaccines or vaccines work, let us understand about the immune system or the immune system.

In simple terms, we can say that it prevents disease. It is said that if immunity is strong, then we can easily fight seasonal or many other diseases.

What is the immune system?

It prevents infection to the body. As mentioned above, this vaccine protects us from diseases and reduces the risk of infection by protecting the body's natural to develop immunity.

But the question arises how the body fights disease?

When bacteria like germs enter the body, they attack and grow. This invasion of bacteria or viruses is known as an infection which causes illness in the body. Our body's immune system uses various tools to fight infections. As we know, blood has red blood cells that carry oxygen to many parts of the body's tissues and organs, and white or immune cells help fight infection.

Macrophages, B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes are white blood cells.

Macrophages: These are white blood cells that absorb and absorb germs and Dead Cells. They know parts of the germs that invade as antimatter. As a result, the body recognizes antigens as dangerous and stimulates antibodies to fight them.

B-lymphocytes: These are protective white blood cells. Basically they produce antibodies to attack the antigens left behind by macrophages.

T-lymphocytes: This is another type of protective white blood cell. Their function is to attack cells that are already infected in the body.

When the body first faces a germ, it takes several days to create and use disinfectant tools against infection. After infection, it initiates ways to protect the body against that disease.

If the body encounters the same germ again, the body's T-lymphocytes, also known as memory cells, are immediately processed. When the familiar antigens are detected and then the B-lymphocytes tend to produce antibodies to attack them.

Now do we study how inoculation or inoculation works?

Vaccines in the body help to develop the immune system or immune system that fights infection. This type of infection never causes disease again, but it causes the immune system to produce T-lymphocytes and antibodies. It is also seen that sometimes, after vaccination, minor symptoms like fever may occur. Such minor symptoms are common and are expected to occur as the body builds the immune system or immunity.

Once the infection is gone, the body remembers the "memory" supply and as a result T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes remember how to fight the disease in the future. It should be noted here that after immunization it takes a few weeks for the body to produce T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes. Therefore, it is possible that if a person is infected with a disease just before or immediately after vaccination, then he may develop symptoms and develop the disease because the vaccine will not get enough time to provide protection.

Now the vaccine which contains weakened germs is given mainly in the body by injection. Then the immune system reacts in the same way that it will attack the disease by producing antibodies. Antibiotics now kill bacteria and vaccine bacteria through exercise.Then, they live in the body and provide immunity. If a person ever comes in contact with an actual disease, they have antibodies to protect it.

Some other facts

Antigens are foreign substances that induce an immune response in the body, mainly in the production of antibodies.

- An antibody is a protein that occurs in response to the presence of a foreign substance produced by the body's immune system called an antigen.

- Antibodies help in destroying the germs that make them sick. They eliminate invading germs and help them recover.

- Antibodies also protect against future infection. They remain in the bloodstream and in the future if they infect the same germ again, they protect and protect.

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