Some Important General Knowledge Questions and Answers of Civics Page-3


Civics is a part of social science. Civics is the study of good citizenship. In other words, it is the study of the theoretical, political, and practical aspects of citizenship. Apart from this, in simple words, the duties and rights of citizens are studied in civics. We are providing more information related to civics through some general knowledge questions part-3 in the article below. These Q&A will also help you in various competitive exams like IAS, PSC, SSC, NDA, CDS.


general knowledge questions and answers of civics

1. Who among the following gave the theory of 'Posdkorb'?

(a) Henry Fayol

(b) Luther Gulick

(c) Rensis Lazirt

(d) F.W. Taylor

Explanation → Public administration is the study of the processes of administration. The view propounded by Luther regarding the scope of public administration is called 'Posdkorb'. The word POSDCORB is formed by combining the first letters of seven English words, which are as follows - P-Planning (planning), O-Organizing (organizing), S-Staffing (Arranging employees), D-Directing (Directing), Co-Co-ordination (Coordinating), R-Reporting (Reporting), B-Budgeting (Budget preparation).

2. The principled basis of presidential rule is-

(a) Balance of Powers

(b) Separation of Powers

(c) Consolidation of powers

(d) none of the above

Explanation → The principled basis of presidential governance is the principle of separation of powers, which deals with the distribution of powers among different organs of governance. *Other important fact - The meaning of the principle of separation of power is that the powers, responsibilities and control of governance should not be concentrated in the hands of any one person or institution, but they should be divided into different branches of governance and these branches should be independent from each other.

3. Karl Marx was from which country?

(a) Japan

(b) Germany

(c) France

(d) Italy

Explanation → Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818 in the city of Trier in the Rhine province of Germany. Marx spent most of his life in France and Britain. Marx transformed hypothetical socialism into scientific socialism. Marx was educated at the Universities of Bonn and Berlin where he studied under G. W. F. He was greatly influenced by the thinking of Hegel. He later formulated his 'dialectical materialism' by taking Hegel's dialectical method and materialism from Feuerbach.

4. Which of the following is not included in the Saptang theory of ancient Indian political thought?

(a) Feudal and Gurukul

(b) Raja and Kosh

(c) Friends and Forces

(d) Mitra and Kosh

Explanation → The famous political thinker of ancient India, Kautilya, while discussing the organs of the state, discussed the Saptanga in the sixth tribunal of the Arthashastra. The seven parts of the state are mentioned as follows - 1. King or master, 2. Amatya or minister, 3. District or regional area, 4 fort or fort, 5. Treasury, 6. Danda or army, 7. Mitra. Therefore, there is no mention of feudal and gurukul in it.

5. According to Hobbes, human life in the natural state-

(a) was lonely, poor, deplorable short-lived

(b) was lonely but peaceful

(c) was social and cooperative but poor

(d) none of the above

Explanation → According to Hobbes, the life of man in the natural state was lonely, lowly, impure, reprehensible, brute and short-lived. Thus there was anarchy in the absence of the state. * Other important facts - 1. Hobbes is a rationalist, he believes that due to the fear of death and brute competition, the humans of the natural state have compromised among themselves and said "I surrender my authority and power to this person or assembly to whom That he should rule over us, but on the condition that you also surrender your authority and power in this form and obey its commands. As a result, the masses united among themselves and took the form of state or civitas in Latin. Thus Hobbes propounded the social agreement of the origin of the state. 2. The major works written by Hobbes are De Cive, De Corpore, Leviathan and Elements of Law.

6. The statement 'State is a necessary evil' is related to which ideology?

(a) Anarchism

(b) Individualism

(c) Marxism

(d) Trade Unionism

Explanation → Individualist theory 'considers the state as a necessary evil'. Necessary because only the state can protect the life, property and liberty of the people. And evil because every act of the state means curtailing the liberty of the individual. Individualism gives central place to the individual and his freedom in his thinking. Adam Smith, Hayek, Spencer are prominent individualist thinkers. *Other important facts- 1. Anarchists consider the state as unnecessary evil. 2. Totalitarians glorify and glorify the state.

7. The total number of permanent members in the Security Council of the United Nations is-

(a) 5

(b) 12

(c) 15

(D) 7

Explanation → The Security Council of the United Nations has five permanent members - 1. Russia, 2. United States, 3. United Kingdom, 4. France, and 5, China. In addition, the Security Council consists of 10 non-permanent members, who are elected. Thus the Security Council has a total of 15 members. The non-permanent members are elected on a regional basis for two years. The Security Council is presided over by its members in rotation on a monthly basis.

8. Who was the father of Nazism?

(a) Mussolini

(b) Hitler

(c) Lenin

(d) None of these.

Explanation → The arguments presented by German leader Adolf Hitler in favor of his imperialist, racist and anti-democratic program were termed as 'Nazism'. Nazism is considered an extension of Fascism.

9. "Progress in the scientific study of international politics is not possible so long as the realistic theory of Norgenthau is effective." Whose statement is this?

(a) K.W. Thompson

(b) Beno Wasserman

(c) Robert Tucker

Explanation → According to Beno Wassermann, "advancement in the scientific study of international politics is not possible as long as Margenthau's realistic theory is in effect".

10. "The study of political science begins and ends with the state." who said?

(a) Leacock

(b) Seele

(c) Garner

(d) Getil

Explanation → Garner has said that "Political Science begins and ends with the State". Therefore, the subject area of ​​study of political science is only the state.

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