Harappa / Indus Civilization [2500 BC - 1750 BC] Part-2



Harappa / Indus Civilization [2500 BC - 1750 BC]


Harappa Civilization | Indus Civilization | Harappa Civilization Introduction

Q_21. Which site of Harappan Civilization was called 'Oasis of Sindh'?

(A) Harappa
(B) Mohenjodaro
(C) Kalibanga
(D) Lothal

Answer: B

Explanation : Mohenjodaro is also known as the Garden of Sindh, 'Mound of the Dead' and 'Oasis'.

Q_22. What was the size of the entire area of ​​Harappan Civilization?

(A) Square
(B) Rectangular
(C) Triangular
(D) Circular

Answer: C

Explanation : It spread from the banks of the Ravi river in Manda in the north to Daimabad (Maharashtra) in the south and from the Sindh province of Sutkagendor Pak in the Makran beach of Balochistan in the west to Hiranya in Alamgirpur in the northeast to Meerut and Kurukshetra. In the initial expansion that was achieved, the entire area was triangular (from Manda in Jammu in the north to Bhogtrar in Gujarat in the south and from Sutkagendor of Afghanistan in the west to Meerut in Uttar Pradesh in the east and its area was 12,99,600 square kilometers). In this way, this area is bigger than modern Pakistan, it is also bigger than ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Q_23. Match List-I with List-II :

List-1 (Venue)
A. Harappa
B. Mohenjodaro
C. Lothal
D. Kalibanga

List-II (River)
1. Ravi
2. Indus
3. Bhogwa
4. Ghaggar

(A) A - 1, B-2, C-3, D-4
(B) A – 2, B– 1, C – 4, D3
(C) A – 4, B– 3, C – 2, D−1
(D) A−1, B–2, C–4, D-3

Answer: A

Explanation : Harappa is situated on the banks of the Ravi river, while Mohenjodaro is situated on the banks of the Indus river. The main site of the Indus Valley Civilization is Lothal, which is located in present-day Gujarat.

Kalibanga, the site of the Indus Valley Civilization, is located on the left bank of the Ghaggar River in the Hanumangarh district of Rajasthan.

Q_24. From where has the evidence of plowed fields been found under the Harappan civilization?

(A) Ropar
(B) Lothal
(C) Kalibanga
(D) Anavali

Answer: C

Explanation : Evidence of havankund and sacrificial practices, plowing games (evidence of plows), ornate bricks and earthquakes have been found in Kalibangan.

Q_25. From which place is the decoration of the bricks of the Indus civilization found? [RRB Mumbai TC 2005]

(A) Kalibanga
(B) Chanhudaro
(C) Mohenjodaro
(D) Banavali

Explanation : Evidence of havankund and sacrificial practices, plowing games (evidence of plows), ornate bricks and earthquakes have been found in Kalibangan.

Q_26. Where is Mohenjodaro located? [RRB Mumbai/Bhopal CC 2003]

(A) Punjab
(B) Sindh
(C) Gujarat
(D) Uttar Pradesh

Answer: B

Explanation : Mohenjo Daro is an archaeological site in Sindh province of Pakistan. Many remains of the Indus Valley Civilization have been obtained from here.

Q_27. Large baths have been found in the Indus Civilization [RRB Kolkata ASM/GG 2005]

(A) Mohenjodaro
(B) Harappa
(C) Lothal
(D) Kalibanga

Answer: A

Explanation : The Great Bath from Mohenjodaro is a major monument, in the center of which the bathing tank is 11.48 meters long, 7.01 meters wide and 2.43 meters deep.

Q_28. Which deity is depicted in the currency of Indus Civilization [RRB Gorakhpur ASM/GG 2005]

(A) Proto Shiva
(B) Proto Brahma
(C) Adya Vishnu
(D) Adi Indra

Answer: A

Explanation : On some seals, a figure depicted as seated in a yogi pose with a bowstring and sometimes surrounded by animals, has been described as an early form of proto-Shiva, one of the principal deities of Hinduism.

Q_29. Which of the following Harappan sites was in Gujarat? [RRB Ranchi Tech. 2005]

(A) Kalibanga
(B) Ropar
(C) Vanavali
(D) Lothal

Answer: D

Explanation : Lothal is one of the most important cities of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization. This city, about 2400 BC, is located in the Bhal region of the Indian state of Gujarat.

Kalibanga is an ancient and historical place in Hanumangarh district of Rajasthan.

Rupnagar is a very ancient site, the history of the city goes back to the Indus Valley Civilization. Rupnagar is situated on the southern bank of the Sutlej. On the other side of the Sutlej river are the Shivalik mountains.

Q_30. Mohenjodaro is also known by which other name? [RRB Mumbai/Bhopal Tech. 2004, SSC MP JEE 2014]

(A) Mound of Living
(B) Mound of Skeletons
(C) Mound of Slaves
(D) Mound of Dead

Answer: D

Explanation : Mohenjodaro is also known as the Garden of Sindh, 'Mound of the Dead' and 'Oasis'.

Q_31. The Indus Valley Civilization is well known.

(A) for your town planning
(B) Mohenjodaro and Harappa
(C) for your agricultural work
(D) for your industries

Answer: A

Explanation : The Indus civilization was an urban civilization of the Indus era. Only 6 of the matured sites obtained from the Indus civilization have been named as big cities. These are Mohenjodaro, Harappa, Ganwariwala, Dholavira, Rakhigarh and Kalibangan.

Q_32. Which place of Indus civilization is located in India?

(A) Harappa
(B) Mohenjodaro
(C) Lothal
(D) None of These

Answer: C

Explanation : Lothal is one of the most important cities of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization. About 2400 BC, this city is located in the Bhal region of the Indian state of Gujarat.

Q_33. The oldest city discovered in India was [SSC CPO St 2003]

(A) Harappa
(B) Punjab
(C) Mohenjodari
(D) Sindh

Answer: A

Explanation : The earliest ancient city discovered in India is Harappa. Harappa was excavated by Dayaram Sahni in the year 1921. Although modern Harappa is an archaeological site in Punjab, Pakistan, about 24 km (15 mile) west of Sahiwal.

Q_34. The earliest evidence of silver availability in India is found in

(A) In Harappan culture
(B) In the Chalcolithic culture of western India
(C) In vedic samhitas
(D) In silver coins

Answer: (A) 

Explanation : The earliest evidence of silver in India has been received from the Harappan period. Silver was more prevalent than gold during this period. Silver was mainly obtained from Jawar and Ajmer in Rajasthan, while Lajvard and silver were imported from Afghanistan and outside India, and evidence of import of silver from Iran has also been found.

Q_35. The popular name of the Harappan civilization is

(A) Indus Civilization
(B) Lothal civilization
(C) Indus Valley Civilization
(D) Mohenjodaro civilization

Answer: C

Explanation : The popular name of Harappan Civilization is Indus Valley Civilization. This civilization was first discovered in 1921 at a place called Harappa through excavation under the supervision of Dayaram Sahni.

Q_36. Which of the following animals has been most engraved on the seals obtained from the excavations of the Indus sites?

(A) Lion
(B) Horse
(C) Bull
(D) Elephant

Answer: C

Explanation : The painting of the Kubwala bull is found more on the seals and the picture of a unicorned bull is also found. which refers to animal worship.

Q_37. Which statement about the Indus Civilization is false?

(A) There was a strong system of drains in the cities.
(B) Trade and commerce was in an advanced state
(C) Mother Goddess was worshiped
(D) People were familiar with iron

Answer: D

Explanation : The Harappan civilization was a Bronze Age civilization. Metals like copper, bronze, gold and silver have been found from here, but iron has not been received. In fact, the Harappans were not familiar with iron. The beginning of the Iron Age in India is considered to be from the later Vedic period (about 1000 BC).

Q_38. Match List - I with List - II : 

List - I
A. Northern Frontier of Indus Civilization
B. Southern boundary of Indus Civilization
C. Eastern Frontier of Indus Civilization
D. Western Frontier of Indus Civilization

1. Mada / Jammu
2. Daimabad/Maharashtra
3. Alamgirpur / Uttar Pradesh 
4. Sutkagender / Balochistan

(A) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4

(B) A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3

(C) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1

(D) A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3

Answer: A

Explanation : The expansion of the Indus civilization is spread in India-Pakistan, Afghanistan. The boundary of the Indus civilization was first determined by S. R. Rao has done. According to this, its northern border is located on the south bank of the Chenab River, a tributary of the Indus in Kashmir, and the southern border is Daimabad and the eastern border is in Alamgir in Uttar Pradesh and the western border is Sutakgendor in Pakistan. Its two regions in Afghanistan are Mundigak and Shortugoi.

Q_39. Manda was situated on the bank of which river?

(A) Chenab
(B) Sutlej
(C) Ravi
(D) Indus

Answer: A

Explanation : Manda was situated on the banks of river Chenab. northern site of the Indus civilization Manda (Jammu and Kashmir).

Q_40. On the banks of which river was the Harappan site Ropar/Punjab situated?

(A) Chenab
(B) Sutlej
(C) Indus
(D) Ravi

Answer: B

Explanation : Rupnagar is a very ancient site, the history of the city goes back to the Indus Valley Civilization. Rupnagar is situated on the southern bank of the Sutlej. On the other side of the Sutlej river are the Shivalik mountains.

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