Harappa / Indus Civilization [2500 BC - 1750 BC]





Harappa Civilization | Indus Civilization | Harappa Civilization Introduction

Q_1. Harappa civilization's most well-known period is
(A) 2800 BC-2000 BC
(B) 2500 BC-1750 BC
(C) 3500 BC-1800 BC
(D) could not be determined
Answer: B ( 2500 BC-1750 BC )
Explanation : By a new analysis method like radiocarbon C^14, the universal date of Indus civilization has been considered from 2500 BC to 1750 BC.
  • Rai Bahadur Dayaram Sahni discovered the Indus Civilization.
  • The Indus Civilization can be placed in the Prehistoric or Bronze Age.
  • The main inhabitants of this civilization were the Dravidians and the Mediterranean.

Q2. The Indus Valley Civilization was not a contemporary of which of the following civilizations?
(A) Egyptian Civilization
(B) Mesopotamian Civilization
(C) Civilization of China
(D) Greek civilization
Answer: D ( Greek civilization )
Explanation : The Indus Valley Civilization was contemporary to the Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Crete civilizations. In terms of area, this part was much more extensive than Egypt, Mesopotamia and Crete. No other civilization of the contemporary world was as wide as the Indus civilization. The elements obtained from all its sites not only have even character uniformity. In Sumeria (Mesopotamia), utensils, seals and stoves of civilization like Indus have been found. Jewelery and makeup cosmetics found in Egypt are similar to Sandhava jewelery and makeup cosmetics. The pictures obtained in the Crete civilization are also similar to the paintings of the Indus Valley paintings. It is clear from these evidences that the Indus civilization had trade relations with Sumeria (Mesopotamia), Egypt and Crete civilizations.

Q3. To what extent was the Indus Valley Civilization extended?
(A) Punjab, Delhi and Jammu and Kashmir
(B) Rajasthan, Bihar, Bengal and Orissa
(C) Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Orissa and Bengal
(D) Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Sindh and Baluchistan
Answer: D ( Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Sindh and Baluchistan )
Explanation : The westernmost site of the Indus civilization is Satukagedor (Balochistan) on the banks of the Dashak river, the easternmost site of Alamgirpur (district Meerut, Uttar Pradesh) on the banks of the Hindon river, the northernmost site of the Mouda (Jammu Kashmir) near Akhnoor on the banks of the Chenab river and the southernmost site of Godavari. Timabad (District Ahmednagar, Maharashtra) on the banks of the river
  • Indus civilization or Indus civilization was an urban civilization. Only 6 of the sites of mature stage obtained from the Indus civilization have been named as big cities, these are Mohenjodaro, Harappa, Ganwariwala, Dhaula, Veera Rakhigarhi and Kalibangan.
  • After independence, most sites of Harappan culture have been discovered in Gujarat.
  • Lothal and Sutkotada were the ports of Indus civilization.
  • Evidence of the use of stone carved bricks has been received from Kalibangan.

Q_4. Where are the remains of a horse found in the Indus Valley Civilization?
(A) Surkotada
(B) Vanavali
(C) Manda
(D) Rakhigarhi
Answer: (A) Surkotada
Explanation : Surkotada is an important place located in the Kutch district of Gujarat. The bone remains of a horse have been found from here. but
The existence of the horse is generally not accepted in the Harappan culture.
Other Important Facts
1. Evidence of Barasingha has been found from Amri.
2. Evidence of the burial of a pet dog along with man has been found from a cemetery in Ropar.
3. A rod of antimony has also been found from Surkotada.
4. Surkotada was discovered in the year 1964 by J. P. Joshi did it.

Q5. In which state is the Indus Valley site Kalibangan located? [SSC Mat. 1999, 2002]
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Gujarat
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Uttar Pradesh
Answer: (A) Rajasthan
Explanation : Kalibanga is an ancient and historical place in Hanumangarh district of Rajasthan. Very interesting and important remains of Harappan civilization have been found here. Kali Banga was a small town. A fort has been found here. The civilization of ancient Kalibanga flourished and flourished even from the Indus civilization in the region of the present-day Ghaggar river, in the ancient Drashadvati and Saraswati river valleys. Kalibanga is thought to be older than 4000 BC. It was first discovered by Amalanand Ghosh in 1952 AD. BK Thapar and VV Lal did excavation work here in 1961-69.

Q_6. Which one of the following materials was mainly used in the manufacture of coins of the Harappan period? [SSC Mat. 2000, 2002; NET/JRF 2016]
(A) Steatite
(B) Bronze
(C) Copper
(D) Iron
Answer: (B) Bronze
Explanation : The seals of the Harappan period were mainly square and were made of sandalwood. The maximum number of 'unicorn animal' shapes are found in seals.
  • A bronze sculpture of a dancer has been found from Mohenjodaro.
  • A large number of fire-cooked clay sculptures (terracotta) have been found from the Indus region.

Q_7. What era was the Harappan Civilization? [SSC Mat. 2001]
(A) Bronze Age
(B) Neolithic Age
(C) Palaeolithic Age
(D) Iron Age
Explanation : The Indus civilization has been given a place under the Proto-historic period due to the inaccessibility of its script. The Chalcolithic civilization of the Third Chalcolithic period, on the basis of radiocarbon analysis, is considered to exist in 2500 BC, but this civilization lasted from 2350 to 1750 BC i.e. 500 years in its excellent period.

Q8. What was the main occupation of the people of Indus Valley Civilization? [SSC Mat. 2001]
(A) Business
(B) Animal Husbandry
(C) Hunting
(D) Agriculture
Explanation : This civilization was dominated by farmers and traders, due to which this civilization is known as agro-commercial civilization.
  • In the Harappan civilization, many crops were cultivated, in which wheat and barley were the main ones.
  • Rice was used in limited quantities during the Harappan period.
  • Evidence of rice has been found from Rangpur and Lothal.
  • The Harappans used to trade in Mesopotamia.
  • Silver was first used in India by the Harappans.
  • Cotton cultivation was first started by the Harappans.
  • Chess was introduced by the Harappans.
  • Cotton was called Sindon by the Greeks.

Q_9. The inhabitants of Harappan Civilization [SSC Mat. 2001]
(A) Rural
(B) Urban
(C) Yayawar / Nomadic
(D) Tribal

Explanation : Harappa was an urban civilization.

  • The first urbanization of India was started by the Harappan Civilization.
  • The second urbanization in India occurred in the 6th century BC in Gangadhari. happened in
  • The Vedic civilization was a rural civilization.
  • The Yayavar (nomadic) system refers to the early period of man.
  • The first condition for being a city is to have additional produce in agriculture.
  • Cities will call that where 75% of the human population is engaged in non-agricultural causes.
  • The Harappan economy was based on agricultural surpluses, animal husbandry, advanced handicrafts and prosperous internal and constrained trade.

Q_10. What were the houses of the Indus civilization made of? [SSC Mat. 2001; RRB Gorakhpur Tech. 2004]
(A) Brick
(B) Bamboo
(C) Stone
(D) Wooden

Explanation :

The houses of the Indus Valley were mainly built of brick.
  • Wood was also used to build houses.
  • Brick - dried in the sun, cooked by fire was used.
  • The ratio of bricks was 4:2:1
  • Bricks were used in many sizes.
  • Evidence of the use of ornate brick has been found in Kalibangan.
  • The easternmost boundary of the Indus Valley Civilization was Alamgirpur on the banks of the Hindon River in Meerut.

Q_11. The Harappans were the first to produce what [SSC Mat. 2001; RRB Trivandrum Tech. 2004]
(A) Currencies
(B) bronze tools
(C) Cotton
(D) Barley

Explanation : Cotton cultivation was first started by the Harappans. The Harappans were the first to produce cotton.

Q_12. Who among the following scholars was the first discoverer of Harappan Civilization? [SSC Mat. 1999]

(A) Sir John Marshall

(B) R. D. Banerjee

(C) A. Cunningham

(D) Dayaram Sahni

Explanation : The Harappan civilization was first discovered in 1921 by Dayaram Sahni and Madhav Swaroop Vatsa.

The first site discovered of Harappan civilization is Harappa, which is located in the state of Punjab (in present-day Pakistan) of Montgomery district.

The excavation work of the Harappan civilization started under the direction of Sir John Marshall.

Q_13. Which was the port (port) of the Indus civilization? [SSC Mat. 1999; RRB Ranchi TC 2005; UPPCS 1999; 53-55th BPSC 2010]

(A) Kalibangan

(B) Lothal

(C) Ropar

(D) Mohenjodaro

Explanation : Lothal Harappan Civilization (Indus Valley Civilization) is a port city (port). Whose area is 214x36x3.3 m.

Despur and Surkotada ports also belonged to the Harappan civilization.

Mohenjodaro means mound of the dead.

Mohenjodaro was the largest site of Harappan civilization in area and population.

Q_14. The discovery of scales has proved that the people of the Indus Valley were familiar with measurement and weighing. Where did this discovery happen? [SSC Mat. 1999, CDS 1998 ]

(A) Kalibangan

(B) Harappa

(C) Chudari

(D) Lothal

Explanation : The discovery of scales has proved that the Harappans were familiar with the name and weight. This is evidenced by the discovery of Lothal.

The Harappans used multiples more than sixteen.

The father of linear measurement was the Harappans, G was the unit of measurement of the hand.

Chanhuddo was located in the Sindh province not on the banks of the Indus. Evidence of lipstick has been found from Chahundo.

Chanhuddo is a great center of the bead and toy industry.

Q_15. Into which classes was the Harappan society divided?

(A) hunters, priests, farmers and Kshatriyas

(B) Scholars, warriors, traders and workers

(C) Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras

(D) Raja, Purohita, Sainik and Shudra

Explanation : The Harappan society was divided into scholars, warriors, merchants and working classes.

Q_16. What is the most appropriate name of Indus Civilization?

(A) Harappan Civilization

(B) Indus Civilization

(C) Indus Valley Civilization

(D) none of these

Explanation : The most appropriate name of Indus Civilization is considered to be Harappan Civilization. This civilization is known by three names: 'Indus Civilization,' 'Indus Valley Civilization,' and Harappan Civilization.

Q_17. Which of the following features a correct depiction of the people of the civilization

1. They had huge palaces and temples does

2. They worshiped both gods and goddesses.

3. They used chariots drawn by horses in battle

Select the correct statement using the code given below

(A) 2

(B) 1,2

(C) 1,2,3

(D) none of these

Explanation : The worship of Mother Goddess or Mother Goddess was a distinctive feature of the Indus Valley Civilization. This is known from the idols of Mother Goddess obtained from archaeological evidence.

Q_18. In which year was the Harappan civilization discovered? [SSC Grad 2004]

(A) 1935 AD

(B) 1942 AD

(C) 1901 AD

(D) 1921 AD

Explanation : The Harappan civilization was first discovered in 1921 by Dayaram Sahni and Madhav Swaroop Vatsa.

The first site discovered of Harappan civilization is Harappa, which is located in the state of Punjab (in present-day Pakistan) of Montgomery district.

The excavation work of the Harappan civilization started under the direction of Sir John Marshall.

Q_19. Which statement is true about Harappan Civilization? [SSC Grad 1999]

(A) He was aware of Ashwamedha

(B) Cow was sacred to them

(C) He started respecting Pashupati

(D) Their culture was generally not stable.

Explanation : An idol of a three-faced deity (Pashupati Nath) has been found on a shiel obtained from Mohenjodaro. Cheetah, Elephant, rhinoceros and buffalo are seated around them.

Q_20. The social system of the Harappan people was …… [SSC Grad 1999]

(A) Fair Egalitarian

(B) Slave-labour based

(C) Character based

(D) caste based

Explanation : Although this question is still a matter of controversy, yet since the Harappans were more attracted towards commerce, it is believed that probably the rule of the Harappan civilization was in the hands of the merchant class.


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